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Sensor Tech and Biofeedback

Cerebri: New Medtech solution for migraines using biofeedback

Nordic Braintech och Together Tech samarbete Cerebri

Nordic Brain Tech's successful collaboration with Together Tech achieves new results

Migraine is a common disease that affects approximately 14% of the world's population. Most of us know someone who suffers from migraines, or we ourselves suffer from them. For Nordic Brain Tech (NBT), a Norwegian startup in medical technology and life science, it is clear that there is a huge need for better solutions. 

The answer was Cerebri – an innovative product developed in close collaboration with the Swedish product development company Together Tech. 

A new era for migraine treatment 

"It is desirable that patients receive something more than just medication, and the innovation that originally comes from NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, addresses this need," says Cathrine Ro Heuch, CEO and co-founder of Nordic Brain Tech. 

Cerebri is based on a method called biofeedback, where migraine patients can treat themselves without medication. The technology moves the treatment principle to the patient through a user-friendly solution that combines technology and science. 

Together Tech's contribution to the Cerebri project: 

  • Electronics development for EMG measurement 
  • Electronics development for pulse and temperature measurement 
  • Embedded software 
  • Bluetooth communication 
  • Mechanical design of body-worn products 
  • Risk analysis 
  • Documentation 
  • Verification 
  • Production 

A strong partnership for successful development 

The project has gone through a major development phase, from the early prototypes to the production of hundreds of copies for the clinical study. Right from the start, the collaboration between NBT and Together Tech has been characterized by a focus on solving problems together. 

“The team from Together Tech has really understood that we are a startup with limited funding and has adapted accordingly. Of course, there are many people who work on such a long project from time to time,” says Cathrine, and highlights project manager Niklas Hagman in particular: “His leadership and responsibility for the system development have been central. He really does a fantastic job.”

Cathrine Ro Heuch, CEO and Co-founder of Nordic Brain Tech


Clinical validation – the key to healthcare  

To ensure that Cerebri can be used in healthcare, clinical evidence was needed. “There has been enormous technical development, and we have received very positive feedback from both patients and professionals on our innovation,” says Cathrine. “That is why we initiated a large, randomized controlled trial to compare the effect of Cerebri with a control group.” 

The study has yielded positive results, and the product has been validated as both safe and effective. Many patients want to continue using Cerebri and have also shown interest in purchasing it. Healthcare professionals have also given positive feedback, which strengthens Cathrine and her team in their continued work.


Material selection and environmental aspects 

In medical technology, it is important to consider materials and other environmental factors. For example, for Cerebri, the choice of batteries and packaging is examined to ensure that they are both functional and sustainable. 

"We think about several aspects, from how the product will be used to what happens afterwards. The packaging should be light and easy to transport. However, we are limited by the fact that certain materials must be medically approved, but we try to find sustainable solutions where possible," explains Cathrine.


Next steps – Design Transfer and market launch

Cerebri is now in the final product development phase, Design Transfer, and together with Together Tech they are working towards regulatory approval. Mikael Duvander is Chief Quality Officer and Senior Advisor at Together Tech, and has worked closely with NBT and Cerebri since the start five years ago. 

"It has been fantastic to work with a young and innovative company like NBT. They have an impressive ability to stay focused on both product safety, financing and market without getting bogged down in details," says Mikael Duvander. 

Read more about Together Tech's collaboration with Nordic Brain Tech

Nordic Braintech och Together Tech samarbete Cerebri

3 tips from the entrepreneur!

Cathrine Ro Heuch, a chemical engineer, discovered her passion for innovation and entrepreneurship during her education. 

“At NTNU, I met the researchers behind migraine treatment. Since I had migraines as a child and my parents are neurologists, I felt that this was a field I wanted to work in.” 

Here are Cathrine’s three best tips for a successful collaboration between a technology consultant and a startup: 

  1. High competence and experience: The consultant needs to understand the field, regulations and standards that apply to medical devices.
  2. Creativity and startup mentality: The collaboration should be characterized by openness and a shared desire to find solutions. 
  3. Clear communication: The consultant needs to be able to guide the startup and help navigate the process.


Mikael Duvander
Mikael Duvander
CQO & Technical Advisor

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